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Annotate data with LiteMap for writing skills 

Digital annotation is increasingly relevant for students in online courses to select content, add their own reflections and map knowledge.


Our projects focuses on Visualising Interfaces for Systematising Online Notes with annotation tools for developing scientific writing skills.

Laptop Writing

CHIC, R, Phyton, NVivo, Atlas, Gephi, NodeXL, LiteMap

  • Okada, AlexandraWhitelock, DeniseHolmes, Wayne and Edwards, Chris. (2018). e-Authentication for online assessment: a mixed-method study. British Journal of Educational Technology (Early Access).

  • Okada, Alexandra and Whitelock, (2018) Denise Responsible Research and Innovation with data science: a novel approach to evaluate trust of the European TeSLA system. In: 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, 15-18 Dec 2018, Southhampton.

  • Okada, A., Whitelock, D., & Holmes, W. (2017). Students’ views on trust-based e-assessment system for online and blended environments.

  • Okada, A., Noguera, I., Alexieva, L., Rozeva, A., Kocdar, S., Brouns, F., ... & Guerrero‐Roldán, A. E. (2019). Pedagogical approaches for e‐assessment with authentication and authorship verification in Higher Education. British Journal of Educational Technology

  • Okada, A., Whitelock, D., Holmes, W., & Edwards, C. (2019). e‐Authentication for online assessment: A mixed‐method study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(2), 861-875

  • Okada, Alexandra; Scott, Peter and Mendonca, Murilo. (2015). Effective web videoconferencing for proctoring online oral exams: a case study at scale in Brazil. Open Praxis International Journal, 7 (3) pp. 227-242.

  • Costa, A. M. (2018). A coaprendizagem na formação de gestores públicos em um ambiente de coinvestigação para pesquisa e inovação responsáveis. Revista e-Curriculum, 16(2), 445-466.

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