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Sobre a abordagem RRI  

Este artigo  introduz  o conceito criado pela Comissão Europeia (EC)  "Pesquisa e Inovação Responsáveis" - traduzido do termo em inglês  "Responsible Research and Innovation" cujo acrônimo é  RRI (EC, 2015).    


O objetivo  deste texto é propiciar que todos possam:

  • Compreender o que é RRI

  • Refletir sobre a inter-relação do RRI com a Educação aberta “open education”, ciência aberta “open science” e a escolarização aberta “open schooling”

  • Abrir discussões e anotações relevantes sobre RRI para a formação de educadores e profissionais do futuro.



Participe do Livro  Pesquisa e Inovação Responsáveis na Educação Superior

Organização: Patricia Torres, Raquel Glitz & Alexandra Okada


Veja como participar: PDF


Mais Informações

Referências sobre RRI  

Owen, R., & Goldberg, N. (2010). Responsible innovation: a pilot study with the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Risk analysis: An international journal, 30(11), 1699-1707.

Von Schomberg, R. (2011). Towards responsible research and innovation in the information and communication technologies and security technologies fields. Available at SSRN 2436399.

Sutcliffe, H. (2011). A report on responsible research and innovation. MATTER and the European Commission.


Owen, R., Macnaghten, P., & Stilgoe, J. (2012). Responsible research and innovation: From science in society to science for society, with society. Science and public policy, 39(6), 751-760.

Von Schomberg, R. (2012). Prospects for technology assessment in a framework of responsible research and innovation. In Technikfolgen abschätzen lehren (pp. 39-61). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Von Schomberg, R. (2013). A vision of responsible research and innovation. Responsible innovation: Managing the responsible emergence of science and innovation in society, 51-74.

Stahl, B. C. (2013). Responsible research and innovation: The role of privacy in an emerging framework. Science and Public Policy, 40(6), 708-716.

Stahl, B. C., Eden, G., & Jirotka, M. (2013). Responsible research and innovation in information and communication technology: Identifying and engaging with the ethical implications of ICTs. Responsible innovation, 199-218.

Stilgoe, J., Owen, R., & Macnaghten, P. (2013). Developing a framework for responsible innovation. Research Policy, 42(9), 1568-1580.

Owen, R., Stilgoe, J., Macnaghten, P., Gorman, M., Fisher, E., & Guston, D. (2013). A framework for responsible innovation. Responsible innovation: managing the responsible emergence of science and innovation in society, 31, 27-50.

Stahl, B. C., McBride, N., Wakunuma, K., & Flick, C. (2014). The empathic care robot: A prototype of responsible research and innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 84, 74-85.

De Saille, S. (2015). Innovating innovation policy: the emergence of ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 2(2), 152-168.

Iatridis, K., & Schroeder, D. (2016). Responsible research and innovation in industry. The Case for Corporate Responsibility Tools. Cham uaO.

Stahl, B., Obach, M., Yaghmaei, E., Ikonen, V., Chatfield, K., & Brem, A. (2017). The Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) maturity model: Linking theory and practice. Sustainability, 9(6), 1036.

Referências para RRI na Educação

Capítulos em Livros

Okada, A. (2019, in print).  Mapas do Conhecimento com Recursos Educacionais Abertos Aplicados à Coaprendizagem Baseada em Coinvestigação, in eds. Patrícia Torres, Complexidade : redes e conexões na produção do conhecimento, Curitiba: SENAR - PR 2. ed.

Okada A. & Kowalski G (2019, in print). Promovendo habilidades científicas para a Pesquisa e Inovação Responsáveis (RRI) através da Metodologia de Projetos de Design e Escolarização Aberta com a parceria entre Universidade e Escolas. in eds. Patrícia Torres, Complexidade : redes e conexões na produção do conhecimento, Curitiba: SENAR - PR 2. ed.

Okada, A. & Rodrigues, E. (2018) A Educação Aberta com Ciência Aberta e Escolarização aberta para a Pesquisa e Inovação Responsáveis. In: Educação Fora da Caixa: tendências internacionais e perspectivas sobre a inovação na educação. (Org.) TEXEIRA, C. S. e SOUZA, M. V. (v. 4). São Paulo: Blucher, 2018. 41-54

Relatórios de Projetos Europeus ( EU - FP7, H2020)

Meijer, I., Mejlgaard, N., Woolley, R., Rafols, I., & Wroblewski, A. (2016). Monitoring the Evolution and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation (MoRRI)–a preliminary framework for RRI dimensions & indicators


Artigos em Periódicos

Almeida, M. E. B., & Okada, A. Apresentação do dossiê temático pesquisa e inovação responsáveis na educação. Revista e-Curriculum, 16(2), 243-251.

Costa, A. M. (2018). A coaprendizagem na formação de gestores públicos em um ambiente de coinvestigação para pesquisa e inovação responsáveis. Revista e-Curriculum, 16(2), 445-466.

Lima, M. B., & Struchiner, M. Pressupostos teóricos e propostas para discutir questões sociocientíficas: construção do modelo e-cria e sua aplicação no ensino superior. Revista e-Curriculum, 16(2), 393-419.

Pinto, S. M. C., & Ribeiro, S. F. (2018). Pesquisa e inovação responsáveis na formação científica dos estudantes da educação superior. Revista e-Curriculum, 16(2), 420-444.

Pinto, S. M., Ribeiro, S. F., Rocha, A. K. L. T., & Okada, A. L. P. (2018). Argumentação de estudantes da educação básica sobre dilemas sócio-científicos no Projeto ENGAGE. Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, 13(1), 207-228.

Ribeiro, S. F., Pinto, S. M. D. C., & Okada, A. L. P. (2017). Formação continuada de professores para o uso de dilemas sócio científicos com elementos de ubiquidade. Interfaces Cientificas, 6(1), 107-124.

Shimazaki, N. M., Torres, P. L., & Kowalski, R. P. G. (2018). A produção de recursos educacionais abertos (rea) em libras no ensino superior. Revista e-Curriculum, 16(2), 364-392.

Souza, K. P., da Silva, R. D. S., & de Abreu, P. F. Ciência na praça: um diálogo com a responsabilidade e inovação na pesquisa. Revista e-Curriculum, 16(2), 315-340.

Torres, P. L., dos Santos, K. E. E., Kowalski, R. P. G., & Okada, A. (2017). Experiência de Educação Ambiental utilizando Pesquisa e Inovação Responsáveis da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná no Projeto Europeu Engage. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 17(55), 1530-1554.

Torres, P. L., Kowalski, R. P. G., & dos Santos, K. E. E. (2018). RRI: uma experiência de decisões conscientes no desafio da cibercultura. Educação em Foco, 23(1), 175-200.



Okada, A. (2016). Engaging Science: innovative teaching for responsible citizenship.

Okada, A. (2016). Responsible research and innovation in science education report. The Open University–UK.

Okada, A. (2014). Scaffolding school students’ scientific argumentation in inquiry-based learning with evidence maps. In Knowledge Cartography (pp. 135-172). Springer, London.Okada, A. (2013). Scientific Literacy in the digital age: tools, environments and resources for co-inquiry. European Scientific Journal, 4, 263-274.


Journal Articles

Okada, A., & Sherborne, T. (2018). Equipping the Next Generation for Responsible Research and Innovation with Open Educational Resources, Open Courses, Open Communities and Open Schooling: An Impact Case Study in Brazil. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1(18), 1-15.

Okada, A., Kowalski, R. P. G., Kirner, C., & Torres, P. L. (2019). Factors influencing teachers’ adoption of AR inquiry games to foster skills for Responsible Research and Innovation. Interactive Learning Environments, 27(3), 324-335.

Okada, A., Noguera, I., Alexieva, L., Rozeva, A., Kocdar, S., Brouns, F., ... & Guerrero‐Roldán, A. E. (2019). Pedagogical approaches for e‐assessment with authentication and authorship verification in Higher Education. British Journal of Educational Technology.

Okada, A., Whitelock, D., Holmes, W., & Edwards, C. (2019). e‐Authentication for online assessment: A mixed‐method study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(2), 861-875


Conference Papers

Okada, A., Rocha, K., Fuchter, S., Zucchi, S., & Wortley, D. (2019). Formative assessment of inquiry skills for Responsible Research and Innovation using 3D Virtual Reality Glasses and Face Recognition. In: TEA 2018 Technology Enhanced Assessment Conference, 10-11 Dec 2018, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, (In Press).

Ramos, A. L., & Okada, A. (2019). Immersive Analytics Through HoloSENAI MOTOR.   In: Computing Conference 2019, 16-17 Jul 2019, London, UK, (In Press)

Okada, Alexandra and Whitelock, (2018) Denise Responsible Research and Innovation with data science: a novel approach to evaluate trust of the European TeSLA system. In: 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, 15-18 Dec 2018, Southhampton.

Okada, A., Whitelock, D., & Holmes, W. (2017). Students’ views on trust-based e-assessment system for online and blended environments.

Okada, A., Whitelock, D., Holmes, W., & Edwards, C. (2017, October). Student Acceptance of Online Assessment with e-Authentication in the UK. In International Conference on Technology Enhanced Assessment (pp. 109-122). Springer, Cham.

Rocha, A. K. L. T., Rocha, A. B. L., & Okada, A. (2017, October). Rubric to assess evidence-based dialogue of socio-scientific issues with LiteMap. In International Conference on Technology Enhanced Assessment (pp. 137-149). Springer, Cham.

Torres, P. L., Fialho, N. N., Kowalski, R. P. G., & Okada, A. (2016). Responsible Research and Innovation for the Media Facebook: Community Involvement in the Study on Agrobiodiversity. Creative Education, 7(15), 2141-2150.

Okada, A., & Bayram-Jacobs, D. (2016). Opportunities and challenges for equipping the next generation for responsible citizenship through the ENGAGE HUB. In Research papers presented at the 2016 LSME International Conference on Responsible Research in Education and Management and its Impact (pp. 42-57).

Okada, A., Costa, A., & Kowalski, R. (2016) Open Educational Games for Responsible Research and Innovation: a study with Brazilian universities and open schools. Research papers presented at the 2016 LSME International Conference on Responsible Research in Education and Management and its Impact, 42–57. London 13th–15th January 2016

Okada, A, Young, G and Sanders, J. (2015). ‘Fostering Communities of Practices for teachers’ professional development integrating OER and MOOC’. EC-TEL The 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Toledo, 15–18 September 2015.

Okada, A, Young, G and Sherborne, T. (2015). ‘Innovative teaching of responsible research and innovation in science education’. E-Leaning Papers, Open Education Europa Journal, 44(1): 180–195. 

Okada, A, Rossi, LC and Costa, A. (2015). ‘Online argumentative maps for facilitating international debates with experts at large scale’. EC-TEL The 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. Toledo, 15–18 September 2015. 

Okada, A, Wolff, A, Mikroyannidis, A and Ashton, S. (2015). ‘Promoting partnerships among Universities, Schools and Research Centres to foster Responsible Research and Innovation for smart citizenship’. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Technology, Policy and Innovation, Milton Keynes, 17–19 June 2015. 

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